Today, I'd like to reintroduce you to D.R. Grady who has blogged with me before. I first spoke to D.R. at length when we were signing buddies at an event sponsored by our writers' group, Central PA Romance Writers. She's a lovely woman and a talented writer. I hope you enjoy her new release The Dragon Chronicles--Book Three: Healing.
Here is a message from D.R. Grady.
Hi, Readers--
Healing is the final story in the Dragon Chronicles
Series. Therefore, this third book has to tie up all the loose ends. The first
book came about because of an unwanted medical diagnosis. Now, at the
conclusion of the series, what has kept up the momentum, what propelled the
storyline, can be revealed.
The dragon and her controller have to face an enemy
no one else can. An enemy manufactured by humans and paranormals alike. He is
the product of negativity.
We’ve all stood in a line at a store and listened to
someone berate a harassed store employee. Many of us have heard language we’re
not comfortable with in what should have been an innocent environment. We’ve met
those who feel they are entitled to things others must work for.
Negativity is a part of life. It’s there, and it
needs to be there. But what if it spirals out of control? Then, a positive
force is necessary to counter it, to cleanse the negativity, and that’s what
this final book, what the entire series, is about.
It’s about
finding balance in a world of chaos. About locating a power that is stronger than the
surrounding negativity.
That’s precisely what Lindy, the dragon and her
dragon controller, Alex must do. With the help of Ewain and Marissa, powerful
healers, and their fellow Healer Keely and her alpha mate, Hugh, they must
combat a force so negative it can leave a path of destruction akin to several
natural disasters.
They are engaged in a war for their very lives, and
it will take every bit of strength they and their swelling numbers of allies
possess to combat the encroaching evil.
There is only one power stronger than the
surrounding negativity and they must discover it to save their world, their
very lives.
The Dragon Chronicles Book 3: Healing
Ewain Douglass and
Marissa Mays are dedicated healers who work together, and live together, in
tight confines. Too bad they set sparks off each other. They might struggle to
remain professional to each other, but they’re working on it. Then the enemy
sets his sight on the unmated, and targets Marissa with a vengeance.

The dragon has called
her allies together and many have come. Paranym soon becomes crowded with the family
members of family members. A war for their very lives looms.
Ewain and Marissa don't have time to declare war on each other.
Ewain soared ahead of her, banked with ease,
turned and zoomed straight at her. Hopefully a flying elf didn’t cause her a
sudden heart attack.
As he hoped, Marissa screamed and hit the
brakes. She wrestled the car to the side of the road and shoved it into neutral.
Her hand was plastered over her chest as though she tried to calm her racing
heart. Breathing too hard, but she did yank up the emergency brake. He landed
right beside her door and drew in his wings.
Using his most compelling pitch, he convinced her
to unlock the vehicle. Opening the driver’s door, he unhooked her seatbelt and
nudged her into the passenger seat. “I’ll drive.”
“Are you crazy?” she whispered, hand still
pressed against her heart.
“There is some speculation.” He adjusted the
seat and mirrors. Then watching traffic, he neatly turned the car around and
started for Paranym.
“What are you doing?” Her scratchy voice
“I’m taking you back to Paranym.” He kept his tone
calm and steady as he shifted through the higher gears.
The residual scent of her fear circulated
through the car. He adjusted the vents.
“You do know I could have hit you, right?”
Voice acerbic, Marissa stared straight ahead. Her hand shook. It still clasped
against her chest, although not as firmly.
“I made certain you wouldn’t.” He accelerated
as the road opened. “What were you running from?”
She made a rude noise in the back of her
throat, and turned away from him to gaze out the passenger side window.
“Not going to tell me?”
“No.” Her voice was firm.
“You’re not in trouble, are you?”
Marissa didn’t answer at first and his stomach
muscles tightened. “You are in trouble?”
A jerky shake of her head was his only answer.
He sighed. “Marissa, you can tell me.”
“No, I can’t.” Her voice was taut but also
“I am a healer.”
Silence as the trees whizzed by on either side.
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
Again, she shook her head. The paroxysmal
movement caused a bit of fear of his own to spurt. For some unknown, crazy
reason, her fright twisted his heart. Her fear scent, although faint, curled
his fists as he was denied the option to pound something to a pulp. Preferably,
whoever caused Marissa’s terror.
“How far would you have gone if I hadn’t
stopped you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Where were you going?”
“I don’t know.”
So she ran like a scared rabbit. “You didn’t
even have a destination in mind?”
“No, I just got in my car and drove.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Neither do I.” Now her voice was an odd
mixture of frightened and sad.
What was she afraid of?
“You do know that by running like you did, you
could have been in further danger, right?”
“What?” She did turn toward him this time, but with
all the activity around them, he couldn’t take his eyes off the road.
“You’re safest at Paranym. Nothing is going to
harm you if you remain there.”
She nodded but didn’t say anything. She did
bite her lip. Hard enough she winced.
Did I
finally strike a nerve?
“Lindy protected you?” The random question from
him caused one of her eyebrows to take wing.
“Yes, while we were helping at the Tri-City Pack.”
“Oh yeah. Still, I’d like her dragon to try
protecting you again.”
“Okay.” Marissa was responding, but he didn’t
think she was even listening to the conversation. Without moving physically,
she slipped further and further away from him.
It was so like his last nightmare, his stomach
muscles clenched tighter.
Hopefully when they reached the school, Lindy would
know what to do.
Or the dragon, or Keely.
He certainly had no idea.

D.R. Grady lives with her husband near Hershey, PA. She adores chocolate, laughing, collecting bags, books, and shoes, and writing stories that resonate with others.
Twitter: @drgradybooks
Facebook Page: D.R. Grady
Google+: D.R. Gradybooks
Available April 26, 2016 from
Book 5, Caprice De Luca Mystery Series
USA TODAY Bestselling Author Karen Rose Smith is an only child who delved into books at an early age. She learned about kindred spirits from Anne of Green Gables, solved mysteries with Nancy Drew and wished she could have been the rider on The Black Stallion. Yet even though she escaped often into story worlds, she had many aunts, uncles and cousins around her on weekends. Her sense of family and relationships began there. Maybe that's why families are a strong theme in her novels, whether mysteries or romances. Her 95th novel will be released in 2016.
Readers often ask her about her pastimes. She has herb, flowers and vegetable gardens that help her relax. In the winter, she cooks rather than gardens. And year round she spends most of her time with her husband, as well as her four rescued cats who are her constant companions. They chase rainbows from sun catchers, reminding her life isn't all about work, awards and bestseller lists. Everyone needs that rainbow to chase.
Karen looks forward to interacting with readers. They can find her at the links below.
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